Unpublished photos: L7 in 1992

ON STAGE... Donita Sparks on vocals and guitar with the rock band L7 at the Riverside in Newcastle in 1992...
ON STAGE… Donita Sparks on vocals and guitar with the rock band L7 at the Riverside in Newcastle in 1992…

Sometimes, for a number of reasons, photographs that I have taken were never published so I thought it was a good excuse to dig a few out to share.

Back in April 1992 I was back in the north-east of England from Sheffield for the Easter break. The American female rock band L7 were playing at The Riverside which was a small club in Newcastle.

A couple of years earlier I used to smuggle a camera into gigs there but on this occasion I contacted the venue and asked for a photo pass and was lucky enough to get one.

Inside the club the stage lighting was not brilliant, and the usual rule was no flash photography, so I chose to use black and white film rated at 3200ASA – Fuji Neopan 1600 pushed a stop and Kodak Tmax 3200 which produced excellent results at the time as I recall.

I got through two rolls of film, or 72 shots, of which these are a small selection and I was quite pleased with the end results.

Having said that they were never published as they were potential contenders for the portfolio I needed to produce at the end of my press photography course.

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