Unpublished photos: Shoulders in 1993

SHOULDERS... Frontman Michael Slattery at Sub Zero in Barrow-in-Furness...
SHOULDERS… Frontman Michael Slattery at Sub Zero in Barrow-in-Furness…

Related: The Fun Never Stops by Shoulders

This was a strange one because I was asked to cover a local gig but the following day there was no room for it in that day’s edition which I found quite bizarre.

Shoulders were from Texas and I had heard their album, The Fun Never Stops, and was quite impressed.

The local club Sub Zero was somewhere we regularly reviewed gigs and the staff were pretty relaxed over the rules about gig photography.

So I was able to use Kodak Tmax 400 film without push processing with fill in flash and I have to admit I do like using slower shutter speeds because you get light trails, as in the photo above, and a few of the photographers at the NME were doing it that way.

I also rated the film at 3200 ASA but, because of the limitations of the lighting, for the available light shots but the results were not as good.

Having said that after I had processed the film and produced the prints they were not used – I don’t think the sub editors were aware there would be photos or there was limited space on the page.

I quite enjoyed the gig and the band sounded better on stage than on the CD and the photo above (which was cropped into a portrait shot from the original landscape format) was used to show the creative use of flash in the portfolio when I passed my senior press photography qualification.

And, as you can probably see, it was a proper sweaty gig which I always prefer to the larger and less intimate arena venues.

REVIEW... The gig review in the North West Evening Mail by Rob Gardner on Friday December 17, 1993...
REVIEW… The gig review in the North West Evening Mail by Rob Gardner on Friday December 17, 1993…

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