Unpublished photos: Babes In Toyland in 1993

BABES IN TOYLAND... At The Riverside in Newcastle upon Tyne on Thursday, September 23, 1993...
BABES IN TOYLAND… At The Riverside in Newcastle upon Tyne on Thursday, September 23, 1993…

Video: Bruise Violet by Babes In Toyland

I do like the connection between the guy in the front of the crowd and the singer of Babes In Toyland in the shot above.

Remember when you are covering a gig it is always worth shooting pics of the support bands because you never know how their career might progress but, having said that, I did not hear much of Truman’s Water after this concert.

TRUMAN’S WATER... Supporting Babes In Toyland at The Riverside in Newcastle upon Tyne...
TRUMAN’S WATER… Supporting Babes In Toyland at The Riverside in Newcastle upon Tyne…

I was back home in the north-east of England and I had heard that Babes In Toyland were playing at The Riverside in Newcastle, which was a venue I knew well, so I asked for a photo pass and was lucky enough to get one.

As I recall at the time I was aware of the band because they had been championed by DJ John Peel and they created an angry and wonderfully noisy racket.

When I arrived at the gig I managed to get back stage where one of the band was bizarrely smoking something through an apple and asked if I wanted to partake but I politely declined.

For whatever reason there weren’t as many photography restrictions and I was able to use flash and I do like the results from this gig. And, as these shots show, I managed to get quite close to the band on stage.

Having said that, because I was working in Cumbria, there was no way the photos would be used because they were not at a local event.

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