New start

INDEPENDENCE... Photographing a Scottish independence march in Inverness in January 2020...
INDEPENDENCE… Photographing a Scottish independence march in Inverness in January 2020…

I first moved to Inverness almost four years ago from Carlisle and it would appear that I am moving back to the Cumbrian capital next month (if all goes well with the new flat).

I left the Inverness Courier last month because I felt I wanted a new challenge and, after writing on spec to the News & Star where I worked previously, I was offered work as the local democracy reporter.

Basically that would involve reporting on meetings of the newly formed Cumberland Council.

There used to be six district councils and a county council, including Carlisle City Council as well as Cumbria County Council, but they have been replaced by two unitary authorities – Westmorland and Furness as well as Cumberland – which harks back to the old days before the boundaries were changed.

The wheels have been set in motion and hopefully my start date will be in July – I have applied for a flat in the same block where I used to live and I am just waiting to hear back from the letting agent.

I have made a good start on packing up the flat but one complication is that I need to travel to Birmingham for a four day course. Having said that the content of the course looks quite interesting.

LOCH NESS... Sunset at Dores beach in the Highlands...
LOCH NESS… Sunset at Dores beach in the Highlands…

I have enjoyed working in the Highlands and I like the area. Loch Ness is just down the road and I live five miles from Culloden battlefield. As I have an interest in Scottish history it was perfect.

Hopefully I will be able to get back to regular posts once I have moved to Carlisle but as you can imagine I might be a bit pre-occupied with all the arrangements in the next few weeks eh?

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