The trouble with amateurs trying to be professionals

FERRY ACROSS THE TYNE... The River Tyne at sunset viewed from South Shields...
FERRY ACROSS THE TYNE… The River Tyne at sunset viewed from South Shields…

Tonight I was reminded of this shot of the Shields ferry sailing across the River Tyne. It was taken circa December 2006 when I was back home and visiting from Scarborough (where I had been working for a few months).

An inheritance had allowed me to buy my first decent Nikon digital camera and I was still getting used to it.

As I recall I was having a wander in my home town and the sun had set.

Also I also got some shots of an impressive ship leaving the river from a small pier known locally as The Groyne. There was a structure at the end of the pier on legs and it was a good opportunity to get a shot of the ship framed by the legs.

Unfortunately there were a couple of what I can only describe as dickhead amateurs who, because I had a long lens on the camera, rightly assumed I was a pro and decided to spoil my shot by standing in front of me while nicking my picture.

I mean I have worked in loads of press packs over the years and there is always mutual respect and cooperation among the fellow snappers so I was mystified why they took that approach.

Needless to say I still got the shot despite their best efforts.

FRAMED... The ship leaving the River Tyne as seen through the legs of The Groyne in South Shields...
FRAMED… The ship leaving the River Tyne as seen through the legs of The Groyne in South Shields…

So my advice to any aspiring amateur photographer is not to be a “dick” as, if you work alongside professional photographers and treat them with respect, they might actually impart some of their wisdom which has been acquired over many years.

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